Can I Sue A Business For Negligence If I Was Injured On Their Property?

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When you are invited onto someone else’s property, the assumption is that it is a safe place for visitors. So when a business invites customers in, they should be inviting them into an area free from hazards and potential dangers. If you get injured while on their property, they should be held accountable for their negligence. You can sue them for damages in court, and our Monmouth County slip and fall accident attorneys can help you do that.

Does a Business Owe You a Duty of Care?

When a property owner invites you onto their property, you are owed a “duty of care.” What this means is that there is an assumption that the property owner has done everything a reasonable person would do to keep their property safe. Now, no one can predict everything, and sometimes accidents just happen. However, if a business knew that there was a hazard or potential hazard on their property and they did nothing, they acted irresponsibly. If that hazard harms someone, they should be held accountable.

What Kinds of Businesses Can Be Sued for Premises Liability?

All types of businesses can be sued when someone gets hurt on their property. Our law firm has helped clients who were injured at supermarkets, big retail stores, and restaurants. You can also sue for compensation if you get injured near such an establishment. In some cases, businesses can be held accountable for accidents on poorly maintained walkways or in dangerous parking lots. So even if you were not inside of a business when your accident happened, you might still have a premises liability case to pursue.

What Should Be Included in My Compensation?

Your compensation needs to adequately reimburse you and your loved ones for everything that you have experienced. It should help make up for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Loss of enjoyment, if your injuries prevent you from taking part in activities you once loved
  • Pain and suffering

The first offer from the insurance company probably will not cut it. That is when you have to sue for damages.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Sue a Business?

You are not required to hire a lawyer, but we recommend it. Your personal injury lawyer can do so many things to help you build your case, including:

  • Tracking down evidence like surveillance footage
  • Talking to witnesses
  • Fielding settlement offers
  • Talking to other lawyers and involved parties on your behalf
  • Filing your suit before the statute of limitations expires

We are ready to fight for you.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you have been injured and believe that a business or another property owner was to blame, let us help you. Contact The Wilton Law Firm and schedule a free initial consultation. Our seasoned lawyers have tried all kinds of premises liability cases, and we are ready to put our experience to work for you.