What Should I Do If The Other Driver Flees The Scene?

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When you get into a car accident, you expect that the other driver will pull over somewhere safe if possible and exchange information with you. It can be a shock to watch as that driver flees the scene instead, but this happens. You still may have expenses stemming from this accident though, so you need to take steps to protect yourself and make it possible to claim compensation. Our Monmouth County car accident attorneys can help you with this.

Should I Call the Cops if the Other Driver Flees the Scene?

Calling the cops after someone flees the scene is smart for two reasons. First of all, you can tell them anything that you remember about this hit-and-run driver and their vehicle. We recommend writing down everything that you can recall right away, whether it’s a partial license plate number or a physical description of the driver, and then contacting the cops.

Second, they can write up a report about the accident. This is something that should be done anyway, even when all involved drivers stay on the scene. Any insurance company you make a claim with is likely to want a copy of this report.

What Else Can I Do If the Other Driver Flees?

You should treat this accident like any other. That means taking photos of the scene, talking to witnesses, and looking for cameras that may have caught the crash. Once you have gathered whatever evidence you can, you should make it a priority to see a doctor. Getting medical care right away can help you get a proper diagnosis and could potentially make it harder for an insurer to deny a claim.

Do I Need to Use My Own Insurance?

Not every driver who flees an accident scene is caught. If the person who caused your accident is not found, you can still claim compensation through your own car insurance policy. Personal injury protection can pay medical bills. Uninsured motorist coverage can help with all kinds of expenses. If you have collision, an optional type of coverage, it can pay for repairs to your vehicle.

If your insurer does not want to pay out, talk to our lawyers. We may be able to help you secure a fair and reasonable settlement.

Can The Other Driver Be Prosecuted?

When a driver who flees a crash scene gets caught, they don’t just have to worry about your personal injury suit. They can also be tried and convicted in criminal court. A conviction can then be used as evidence of their negligence in your lawsuit, and that can be helpful as we negotiate for compensation.

Schedule a Free Consultation

If the other driver flees the accident scene, don’t despair. Instead, contact the Wilton Law Firm and ask about our free case consultations. You may have legal options, and we want to help you claim any compensation that you deserve.