Winter is around the corner, and with colder weather comes lots of snow and ice. These weather conditions can be perfect for snowball fights and ice skating, but can also turn simple day-to-day activities into a hazard. Walking around New Jersey in the winter can become dangerous if properties are not correctly maintained. Unfortunately, as the temperature drops, snow and ice accidents will increase. Read on to learn more about what to do in the event of a snow and ice injury in New Jersey, who may be held responsible, and the best ways to handle your case. If you become injured due to another party’s negligence, it is important to retain an experienced New Jersey attorney to assist you in recovering compensation.
Types of Snow & Ice Accidents
In the winter, snow and ice accidents can occur anywhere, at any time. The most common places for these accidents to occur are sidewalks, stairways, parking lots, and other slippery surfaces. If these surfaces are not properly maintained, just walking around can become hazardous.
Who is Responsible for Snow & Ice Accidents?
In New Jersey, property owners are responsible for keeping their grounds safe. This includes residents, stores, companies, and municipal properties. So, if you slip and fall on ice on the sidewalk in front of someone’s house, the homeowner may be held responsible for your accident. Property owners are required to clean their property within a certain amount of time after a snow or rainfall event. This window of time varies by municipality. Contact us to find out whether your accident occurred outside this window of time.
Fulfilling the Burden of Proof
In the case of an accident, it is important to provide proof. This can include taking photos of the hazardous conditions that caused your accident, collecting the contact information of anyone who may have witnessed your accident, and providing medical documentation. An experienced attorney may be able to gather even more evidence, such as police reports and security camera footage.
Recovering Compensation
An injury can take a major toll on one’s physical, mental, financial, and emotional health. If you are injured due to another party’s negligence, you deserve compensation. Sometimes, it can be difficult to provide proof of negligence, or receive the amount of compensation you deserve. That is why it is important to contact an experienced attorney for help with your case.
Contact our Firm
Retaining an attorney after an injury-causing accident is the most effective way to ensure that you receive the compensation to which you are legally entitled. To learn more about how we can help you, call the Wilton Law Firm today at 732-275-9555 or send us an email through our online contact form.