Drivers are not the only people who can sue after a car accident. If you were the passenger of a vehicle and you have serious injuries, you may have a personal injury case of your own to pursue. Our Monmouth County car accident attorneys can tell you more about your legal options.
Can a Passenger Sue For Damages?
Yes, if you are a passenger in a car and you believe that someone else is to blame for the injuries that you suffered after a crash, you can sue for compensation. You can sue the driver of another vehicle or the driver of the vehicle that you were riding in at the time of the accident.
Some people are, understandably, reluctant to sue the driver of the vehicle that they were a passenger in. If it’s your friend or family member, you don’t want to make a big deal out of holding them responsible for a crash. We get that, but this is precisely what insurance is for. You are not suing your friend. You are suing an insurance company.
What Kinds of Damages Can a Passenger Win After a Car Accident?
A fair compensation offer should help make up for the economic and non-economic costs of an accident. This means that your expenses matter, but so do the mental health issues that you have experienced as a result of this accident. So a reasonable offer should help make up for:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages, if you had to miss work while recovering
- Loss of earning potential
- Loss of enjoyment
- Pain and suffering
How Long Does a Passenger Have to Sue For Damages?
You do not have unlimited time to sue for damages. New Jersey gives accident victims two years to begin legal action, in most cases. Sue after this statute of limitations expires and your case is likely to be thrown out.
Will I Have to Go to Trial?
Many cases like this do not go to trial. Your lawyer will help you negotiate with the insurance company and reach a settlement that can adequately compensate you for what you have been through. A case only goes to trial when these negotiations are not successful.
Trials can be time-consuming, expensive, and public. Most insurers don’t want to go for this option. If you do have to go to trial though, rest assured that your lawyer can also help you build a case that can succeed in court in front of a judge and jury.
Ask About Our Free Case Consultations
So if you are thinking about suing for damages after a car accident, don’t go it alone. Contact the Wilton Law Firm and ask to schedule a free case consultation. Our lawyers are ready to help you fight for fair compensation.